1: This toolbar lists all modules grouped by category.
2: The status of the current system analysis is displayed here.
3: Details on current processor load, available RAM, CPU and GPU are shown here.
4: Current results of the system analysis are displayed here. Click an entry to review results in more detail. Maximize the program window for an even more detailed list.
5: If enabled, the system analysis will be run on each program launch.
6: Displays the settings for the system analysis.
7: Runs the system analysis.
All modules
Functions in WinOptimizer are grouped by into modules arranged by use cases.
1: Use this switch to toggle between a use-case and module names based view.
2: These modules will clean your steam of no longer needed files and more.
3: Performance enhancing features are located here.
4: Detailed information on installed hardware, software and the performance of your machine is available here.
5: With the help of these modules, you find and fix file-related errors.
6: These modules help you manage common PC settings, e.g. for user-rights management.
Improve performance
Service Manager
Services are background programs required by Windows and other applications to work properly. This module lists all installed services and provides a rating on their usefulness. It also allows you to modify start types individually.Refresh
Updates the list.Download ratings
Use this button to retrieve current ratings in case you disabled auto-downloads.Details
Displays details such as service dependencies.Start
Starts a service.Stop
Stops a service.Start type
Allows you to modify the start type of a service.Deactivate: The service is permanently disabled. Use the ratings to ascertain whether a service is vital to the functioning of your system first.
Manual: The service is inactive and started automatically as soon as it is needed.
Automatic: The service will start with Windows.
Automatic (delayed): The service will start once Windows has loaded to avoid slow downs.
Rate online
Allows you to rate a service. Your rating will be shared with the community to make it available to other WinOptimizer.Internet Tuner
This module helps you optimize your Internet connection.Adjust manually
Experts may adjust individual network parameters manually. Please only use this option if you know what you are doing. Wrong inputs can cause connection drops or other disturbances.Auto-optimize now
Select the type of your connection and the affected network adapter. If you are using a very slow connection or your machine is part of a heterogeneous network you should not disable "QoS", otherwise, you can disable this feature to increase network speeds. Click "Adjust automatically" to begin the process.Process Manager
This module lists all currently running processes and allows you to adjust their priorities or terminate them.Details
Displays additional details such as process owner and associated program windows.Terminate process
Terminates the selected process. Note that system processes cannot be terminated.Modify priority
Allows you to adjust the priority of a process.Show
Filters running processes by categories.Show load in lower window area
Displays/Hides charts for the overall CPU load and memory consumption of currently running processes.Uninstall Manager
This module allows you to uninstall applications and remove entries for incompletely uninstalled programs.Refresh
Updates the list of installed applications.Delete entry
Deletes the entry from the list of installed Windows applications. The entry will also no longer show up in Windows' own uninstall dialog.Uninstall application
Uninstalls the application from your system.Internet Cleaner
Internet Cleaner scans your system for no longer needed Internet-related files and displays results grouped by categories. Click the number of results to display details for each category. Right-click a result and use the context menu to specify the affected cookie as secure. This cookie will no longer show up in future search results. This allows you to keep settings such as login data for your webmail account from being deleted every time you use Internet Cleaner so you won't have to input it again.You can modify the list of safe cookies in the settings for this module. Use the bottom button for quick access.
Customize Windows
Privacy Manager
Privacy Manager can adjust all Windows settings that collect or share data about you with Microsoft. Select the desired category from the entries on the left and use the tabs to navigate through each category. Click "Apply" to apply the changes from all categories and "Restore standard settings" to restore the original settings. "Restore safe settings" will automatically adjust the settings to avoid the most common security risks.File Associator
File Associator allows you to associate file types with viewer/editor programs. File types that are currently unassociated are marked red. Click an entry to select it or hold down Shift to select multiple entries starting with the first selected entry or Ctrl to select multiple entries individually.Settings
Opens the module settings.Refresh
Updates the list of available file types.Undo changes
Restores the original program association for the selected file types-.Edit
You can select the icon to be used on the Desktop and Windows Explorer and the viewer/editor for the selected file type here.Delete
Deletes the selected file type from your system.Apply changes
Applies your modifications.Context Menu Manager
This module allows you to enable/disable various menu items in Windows' right-click context menu. Use "Activate" and "Disable" to turn individual items on/off or use the check marks. Click "Apply" to apply your modifications and "Properties" for additional details on a selected item.Analyze system
System Information
This module provides various details on your PC hardware and installed applications. Click "Create Report" to display this data in your browser, e.g. to store it as an HTML file and share it with a technical support agent.DiskSpace Explorer
DiskSpace Explorer analyzes and visualizes the file distribution across your drives, e.g. to track down huge files. Select a drive and click "Start" to begin analyzing. Either double-click a folder on the left to navigate to that folder or double-click a folder in the center view. This allows you to navigate through your folders.File allocation by percentages
Displays the size of files / folders either relative to the capacity of the host drive or relative to their parent folder. You can change this setting under "Bar in Name column".Size %
Displays the size of files/ folders relative to the capacity of the host drive.In the above image, the folder "System32" occupies 9.789% of the total available space on drive "C".
(Folder) Size
Displays the size of files / folders relative to their parent folder.In the above image, the folder "System32" occupies 24.280% of the space occupied by the folder "Windows" on drive "C".
View settings
This view hides all diagrams.Structure
This views displays files and a chart.File formats
This view groups files by type, e.g. videos, and displays both a list and chart.Bar in "Name" column
No bars: Hides the visual representation of space usageSize relative to current drive: Displays the size of files/ folders relative to the capacity of the host drive.
Size relative to folder: Displays the size of files / folders relative to their parent folder.
Allows you to restrict the display to individual categories.Context menu
Open File
Opens the selected file.Show in Explorer
Opens the folder the selected file resides in Windows Explorer.Open folder in explorer
Opens the selected folder in Windows Explorer.Delete
Deletes the selected file/folder.Benchmark Center
This module can benchmark the read/write speeds of your disk drives. Click "Start" to benchmark the selected drive and "Compare online" to compare your results against other drives.Disk Doctor
Disk Doctor scans your disks for errors and can try to fix them. These errors can be caused by power cuts, crashes or on external drives that were improperly disconnected.Deep scan
Same as "Check now" but also scans unused areas. Depending on the size of your disk, this process may take some time.Check now
Scans the selected disk for errors. Only areas that are currently occupied by files will be scanned. The program can try to move files from corrupted to safe areas and will then mark the affected areas as unusable to avoid future data loss.Select drive
Select the disk to be scanned here.Display log file
Displays a summary of the scan.Stop
Cancels the current operation.Font Manager
This module lists all installed system fonts.Refresh
Updates the list of installed fonts.Control Panel
Opens the "Fonts" folder in Windows Explorer.View
Displays a detailed preview for the selected font.Delete
Deletes the selected font. Note that some applications depend on specific fonts to work properly or at all.File tools
File Wiper
When Windows deletes a file, the affected disk space is marked as reusable. As long as it isn't used for new data, the original data is still there and can be recovered easily. FileWiper overwrites these areas with data such as zeros so the data can no longer be recovered.Settings
Opens the module settingsAdd
*Folder: Adds a folder to the list that will be permanently erased.File(s):* Adds one or more files to the list that will be permanently erased.
Trashcan contents: Adds the contents of the recycle bin to the list.
Free disk space: Overwrites free disk space on the selected drive to render previously deleted files/folder unrecoverable.
Clear list
Deletes all entries from the list.Remove from list
Deletes the currently selected entry from the list.Abort
Cancels the current operation.Wipe data
Overwrites the selected areas permanently.File Manipulator
File Manipulator allows you to split up files into several parts, e.g. for easier sharing or archiving. It can also reassemble these parts or encrypt/decrypt files.Split
Select the file to split and optionally specify an output folder. If no output folder is specified, the parts will be created in the original file folder. Then, select the desired size of your parts and click "Start" to begin the operation.Join
Make sure all required parts reside in the same folder and select one of them. You may optionally specify an output folder for the newly assembled file. If no output folder is specified, the file will be created in the original file folder. Click "Start" to begin the process.Encrypt
Select the file to be encrypted and enter the password to be used. If required, you may create a self-extracting archive that can be decrypted on any machine without the use of WinOptimizer. You may optionally select to have the original file deleted once it has been encrypted. Click "Start" to begin the process.Decrypt
Select the encrypted file. Then, put in the password you used during the encryption phase and click "Start" to begin the operation.Undeleter
Undeleter attempts to recover accidentally deleted files. Simply select a drive and click "Search". Then, select the files to be recovered. Use the search text field to narrow down the list of results and click "Restore" to recover the selected files. Make sure to select a different drive than the source as destination to avoid data loss.Link Checker
Link Checker validates program shortcuts and can delete invalid items. Click the check boxes to select/deselect individual entries or use the toolbar.Refresh
Updates the list of shortcuts. Click the arrow to adjust additional search parameters.Select invalid
Select all invalid shortcuts.Select none
Clears the current selection.Properties
Displays details such as the target location for the shortcut.Delete selected
Deletes the selected shortcuts from your system.Administrative tools
System Restore Manager
This module manages system restore points as created by Windows, e.g. before installing Windows updates. System restore points allow you to revert your machine to a previous state in the event of system errors.Refresh
Updates the list of restore points.Create new restore point
Creates a new system restore point that holds the current system state.Restore
Restores the selected restore point and reverts your system to the previous state.Delete
Deletes the restore point from your system.Icon Saver
Icon Saver saves the position of your desktop icons and can restore their original layout, e.g. after it was altered by newly installed application.Refresh
Updates the list of backups.Create save point
Saves the current desktop icon layout.Delete
Deletes the selected backup.Restore
Restores the original icon layout from the selected backup.User-Rights Manager
Use this module to adjust/restrict user rights, e.g. to keep guests from altering display options or uninstalling applications. It is particularly useful in multi-user environments.First, select a user from the top left pull-down menu, then select a category from the left. Use the tabs to navigate through a category. Click "Apply restrictions" to apply all modifications to the selected user or "Remove restrictions" to restore the original settings.
Energy Manager
Here, you can adjust existing or create new power schemes. Each scheme offers separate settings for battery and grid operation.Other actions
Refresh: Reloads the list of available power schemes.Reset power scheme: Resets the selected power scheme to its original settings.
Restore Windows defaults: Replaces all existing power schemes with Windows defaults plus the Ashampoo scheme.
Delete power scheme: Deletes the selected power scheme.
Copy power scheme
Clones the selected power schemeEdit
Edits the selected power schemeActivate
Sets the selected power scheme active forEdit power scheme
This dialog allows you to modify the selected power scheme to your needs. Changes should be made by experienced users only.Statistics
This is a summary of all WinOptimizer activities. Click "Rest" to reset all values.Task scheduler
This module allows you to specify a time when either the system analysis or One Click Optimizer should be run automatically. If needed, the program can shut itself down, once the process is complete.Backups
Use this module to undo changes made by WinOptimizer, e.g. through Registry Optimizer, should the changes have lead to undesired system behavior.Delete old backups
Deletes backups that are older than 7, 14 or 30 days. Click the arrow to select a time interval.Refresh
Updates the list of available backups.Show backup folder
Opens the backup folder in Windows Explorer.Restore
Restores the changes of the selected backup.Delete
Deletes the selected backup from your system.Switch view
Toggles between a quick overview and a detailed list of your backups.Settings
Basic functions
Use these settings to select a different program language or look.Internet Cleaner
Select the file types to be deleted for each brother and adjust the list of secure cookies here.Safe cookies
Many websites uses cookies to store important data, e.g. login credentials, and use them to automatically fill in the data on your next visit. Since Internet Cleaner deletes all cookies, you'll have to reenter the data manually for each affected site, unless you mark the affected cookies as "safe", thereby excluding them from deletion. Note that your settings always apply to all supported browsers.Existing cookies are listed on the left. Select one or more entries and click "Add selection" to whitelist the affected cookies. You can also add individual URLs, e.g. "ashampoo.*", using the text field and the plus button. "*" is a wildcard character and means that all URLs starting with "ashampoo." will be whitelisted.