The overview page displays information on your license and blocking settings and visualizes them as a pie chart.
Click "MyAshampoo" to view your license status, check for program updates or view information about new products and deals. Click "About" to show details about your program version.
This button applies the current blocking settings to your system. You may alternatively click the pie chart to trigger this function. In some cases, e.g. after a major Windows update, it may be necessary to hit this button again to accomodate for recent system modifications.Customize
The system functions and applications supported by Ashampoo AntiSpy Pro are listed here. Use the buttons behind each entrie to allow/block the sending of telemetry data. Click "Apply" to apply your settings.
Protection Presets
"Protection Presets" includes a number of presets, e.g. to allow all/no telemetry:- None: full telemetry communication
- Minimal: limits the amount of telemetry data to essential information
- Recommended: offers more privacy than Minimal but still allows some telemetry data to be sent
- High: maximum privacy protection; Note that this setting may interfere with the operation of some installed applications!
Re-Immunize at each Logon (via Scheduled Task)If enabled, the current blocking settings will be reapplied at each system restart.
Check for updates on program start
If enabled, the program will check and notify you once a new program version is available.
User Interface
Dark ModeYou can seleect the program's appearance (light/dark) here or rely on the current Windows system setting.
Show notifications
If enabled, you'll receive information on the current telemetry status through Windows' notification system.