System restore points are backups that include the current state of system files, installed applications, Windows Registry, and system settings at the time of creation. Though they cannot replace individual backups of your important documents, they are a valuable tool to revert your system to a previous state in the event of a faulty update or other system malfunction.
Read on to learn how to create a Windows 10 system restore points in just a few steps.
1. Open Control Panel
Search for "Control Panel" in the Windows menu (1) and left-click the result (2).
2. System and Security
Control Panel supports different view styles. Please switch to "Category" (2) view under "Category" (1). Then, select "System and Security" (3).
3. Security and Maintenance
Now, click "Security and Maintenance".
4. Recovery
Then, click "Recovery".
5. Configure
After that, click "Configure System Restore".
6. Configure
If your system has multiple drives, please select the drive you want to create a restore point for and click "Configure" (1).
7. Enable system protection
In the new dialog, please select "Turn on system protection" (1) and then "OK" (2).
8. Creation
Then, click "Create...".
9. Enter name
You'll then be prompted to enter a name for the restore point (1). The system will later sort your restore points by name, date and time. Finally, click "Create".
10. Done
You'll be notified once the restore point has been created. Please close all newly opened windows afterwards.
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