1. Select "Restore" feature
Launch Ashampoo Backup Pro and select "Restore" from the left nav bar.
2. Select image backup
From the available backups, select the image that contains the files / folders you wish to restore.
3. What would you like to restore?
Here, select "Files or Folders (1). Then, click "Next" (2).
4. Select date and drive
Select the date (1) and the drive the image was made from (2).
5. Important note
The selected image will be mounted as a virtual drive. Changes to that drive will not be permanent and discarded once the file browser is closed. Click "OK" to close the dialog.
6. Confirm action
Click "Yes" to allow the image to be mounted as a virtual drive.
7. Select and copy files and folders to restore
Windows File Explorer will open and display the backed up files and folders on the right (virtual drive). Simply browse through the files as usual and use Windows's copy feature or drag and drop to restore individual files / folders to a location of your choice (1). When you're done, simply close the Window (2).
8. Your files have been restored
Click "Back to Main Menu" to finish the process or repeat the previous steps for additional files.