1. Select restore feature
Launch Ashampoo Backup Pro and select "Restore".
2. Select backup plan
Select the backup plan that refers to the files / folders you wish to restore and click "Next".
3. Browse backups
You can now select the affected backup based on its creation date (1). Double-click a folder entry to expand it (2). Click the top folder icon to move up to the parent folder (3).
4. Select files
Click the blue boxes to select the files / folders you wish to restore (1). Then, click "Next" (2).
5. Select output location
Now, select the folder that will hold the restored files. Click "Browse" to bring up the directory chooser (1). Click "Next" to proceed (2).
6. Summary
You can now review your settings. Click "Restore" to begin the restoration process.
You want to backup your data as well and restore it if necessary? Here you can test our data backup software for free <Ashampoo Backup Pro 26>