Program basics
Basic navigation elements are placed at the bottom of the program window. Click the house symbol to jump to the opening page of Ashampoo Music Studio 11. Click the question mark to access the integrated manual's help section relevant to the current program page.
Use the arrows to move to the previous/next page for the selected program feature. Use the back button to move to the previous page, e.g. to make adjustments, and the forward button to proceed to the next page and ultimately start the selected operation. Use the home button to return to the start page from anywhere within the program.
Click "Ctrl" to display available keyboard shortcuts + description for the current program section.
Selecting drives
Drive selection is achieved through a dialog similar to the one below.1: Select the drive to be used for reading/writing here.
2: You may specify a reading/writing speed, however, we recommend leaving this setting to Automatic.
Selecting files
Adding files is achieved through the dialog shown below (as an example, the dialog displayed when the "Burn" feature is selected was used).1: Lists all added files. The titles are selectable with support for multi-selections. You can drag files from Windows Explorer into this area to add them to the project.
2: Deletes the file from the project.
3: Drag here to rearrange the entry within the list.
4: Adds files to the project.
5: Adds files from a folder to the project.
6: Depending on the program function, different settings will be available here, e.g. for crossfading.
7: Shuffles the entries.
8: Deletes all files from the project.
9: Allows you to playback the currently selected file.
Extended Settings
You can select between two different burning methods: Disc At Once and Track At Once. The first will write all data as a single block, ideal for data discs or audio discs without pauses between tracks. The second burning method is meant for audio data only and will include pauses between the tracks.Selecting an output format
You will be required to specify the output format to be used on several occasions by a dialog similar to the one shown below. The number of available formats depends on the selected program feature.1: Select your desired output format here or pick a device preset to automatically select the right format.
2: Aside from the selected format, frequency and bitrate settings also affect music quality. Here, you will find quality presets that auto-adjust the sampling rate and bitrate.
3: Use these controls to manually adjust sampling rate and bitrate settings. You may also switch between Mono and Stereo modes.
Selecting output locations
Some functions require you to specify an output location.Click "Browse" to specify the output folder. Enable "Create subfolder" to have Ashampoo Music Studio 11 create a folder hierarchy based on variables (placeholders) based on song metadata. You'll find pre-defined placeholder combinations under "Set Template".
Defining file naming schemes
On many occasions, you will need to define both a scheme used for file naming and the output location to be used. File naming supports placeholder variables enclosed in % characters. Ashampoo Music Studio 11 will automatically replace placeholders with their associated information such as song title, artist etc.1: There are three predefined and one customizable naming schemes available. The predefined schemes are succeeded by their respective placeholder combinations (right column) with resulting file names shown below under "Output". The fourth option provides an editable textfield for your own placeholder combinations.
2: Lists all available placeholder variables including a brief description.
3: The output location for the newly created files.
Cover search
In some places in the program, you have the option to search for cover artwork online and drag results into the program to add them to your projects. The procedure is described below. Note that the user interface design may vary slightly depending on the starting point.Viewing progress
Ashampoo Music Studio 11 will present a progress bar for pending operations to give status updates. Use "Abort" to cancel the running operation.Viewing results
You'll be notified whenever a selected operation has finished successfully.Features
Edit cover
Choose the format
First, select the cover type you wish to design. You can select "Disc" (3) independently from your top selection (1) or combine it with a slim or jewel case. Supported paper formats are shown in the center-left list box (2) or, in the case of "Disc", are accesible through the dropdown menu. Use the pencil icons to create your own or edit an existing format, or adjust the disc radius.
Add titles or content
Use the text field provided to enter title and subtitle for your project. Use the buttons on the right to edit the table of contents.
Instead of manually entering the song titles, click "Import" to have the program perform an online query and fill in the fields automatically.
Design cover
1: New Table adds a new table to your cover. You can edit every row and column by clicking at it.
New Graphic adds a new picture to your cover. Once you've clicked at the button a new explorer appears to browse and to select your files. Please distinguish image from background. A picture will be added as an object and can be placed everywhere, a background is stretched to the whole format.
New Text adds a text box with a default text to your cover. After a double click the text is ready to be edited.
Background adds a new background to your cover. Once you've clicked at the button a new explorer appears to browse and select your files. The background will be stretched to the whole format.
2: Cover Editor offers a variety of great themes. Click on a theme to apply it automatically.
As your design grows, you'll end up with multiple objects (tables, texts, etc.). Click "Objects" for a handy list of all objects present in your project.
Left-click an entry to select and edit the corresponding object.
New text
Selecting "Text" will open a common text editor with the usual formatting options. Use the bottom options to fill in information automatically based on the data you entered before.
1: bold formatting
2: italic formatting
3: underlined formatting
4: left-aligned formatting
5: centered formatting
6: right-aligned formatting
Fonts and colors
1: Select the font of your text here
2: Select the color of your text here
Special characters and URLs
1: Add symbols and additional characters here
2: Add URLs (e.g. here
Circular text
This editor is similar to the plain text editor except that the created text object allows you to adjust the curvature of the text by dragging the rectangular markers around the text.
New table
1: bold formatting
2: italic formatting
3: underlined formatting
4: left-aligned formatting
5: centered formatting
6: right-aligned formatting
Fonts and colors
1: Select the font of your text here
2: Select the color of your text here
Modifying rows and columns
Click to select a row and use the buttons to remove it or move it up/down. Use the checkboxes to show/hide individual columns and the buttons to move them.
Arranging objects
Cover Editor gives you three keyboard shortcuts to help you arrange your objects while you're dragging them around:
- Hold down Ctrl to display horizontal and vertical center lines and move objects close to the lines to snap them to their positions.
- Hold down Ctrl + Shift to additionally highlight the center points of your objects.
- Hold down Alt to display guide lines that extend from the edges of your objects to help you align them horizonally or vertically.
From left to right:
New Project: Create a new project
Open project: Opens an existing project
Save project: Saves your project with the current settings
Undo: Undoes your last input
Redo: Redoes your last input
Cut: Cuts out highlighted objects
Copy: Copies highlighted objects
Paste: Pastes objects of the cache to your cover
Duplicate: Adds highlighted objects directly to your cover
Delete: Deletes highlighted objects from your project
Zoom all objects: Resizes the viewport to include all available objects
Zoom in: Zooms in to show more details of your cover
Zoom out: Zooms out to offer a better overview
Zoom selection: Zooms into highlighted objects
Sent to front: Places the object above all other objects
Send to back: Places the object below all other objects
Turn left: Rotates highlighted objects 90 degrees to the left
Turn right: Rotates highlighted objects 90 degrees to the right
Flip vertically: Flips highlighted objects vertically
Flip horizontally: Flips highlighted objects vertically
Cover preview
The cover preview shows the final results of your efforts. You may go back to redo some steps of this process, if needed.Hit "Print" to put your efforts to paper. Enable "With Cutmarks" to include marks that will help you cut out your designs with scissors later.
Edit format (Overview)
Cover Editor supports many paper formats and popular label sheets. You may, however, also create your own paper formats. To create your own format, click the pencil icons behind the affected cover type.You will see a dialog containing all available formats and a preview of the currently selected format.
Built-in formats are write-protected, therefore, you will need to copy an existing format providing your own name. Click Next to proceed.
You will now be presented with all available parameters. Adjust the settings to your liking and click "Next" to apply the settings. Once the available settings have been made you will see an overview listing the settings. Click "Finish" to proceed. Your new format is now ready to be used.
Choose paper format
Make sure the selected cover type fits on the specified number of pages.Sheet of paper: The most common medium, an ordinary sheet of paper
Label / Insert: There are many different labels / inserts from various manufacturers.
CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc: The cover will be printed directly on the disc. Please keep in mind that you have to choose the proper printer and paper tray. Not every printer offers this possibility, study the manual of your printer first.
Print multiple objects on a single page
Cover Editor cannot guess the items of the size you are going to print so bear that in mind before you try to print ten jewel case covers on a single sheet of A4 paper.Define format
You can define your own format, e.g. to accomodate a label sheet that is no included in the default selection. Just enter the measurements for your sheet and use the preview on the left to evaluate the results. Visual details for your current input are shown on the right.
In some cases, measurents provided by the manufacturer are slightly off causing white margins to show up in the printout. Use "Background Overlap" to print a litte bit over the edge to compensate for this.
Adjust disc radius
Printable discs look best when the entire surface has been printed on. Unfortunately, the available area differs between manufacturers. Some discs support printing on the entire area, others have inner diameters unsuitable for printing.To adjust these settings click the disc icon and fill in the correct values. You may obtain this data either from the packaging or the manufacturer's website.
Review format attributes
Check the details of your new format and click "Finish" to proceed or "Back" to make changes.
After printing
Congratulations, you've just printed a new design. This dialog will help you decide what to do next.
First, select the drive that holds the audio disc to rip. Once a drive has been selected you will be prompted to select the tracks to be converted.1: You may specify the general information for all of the tracks. This data will be used for all tracks that lack this information. You may also modify the disc cover by clicking "Change". This will allow you to either select an image from your hard disk or have the program search the internet.
2: Check the tracks to be converted. Click the pencil icon to edit metadata on-the-fly. This will bring up the tag editor where you can also assign an individual cover image through "Change".
Next, select the output format, followed by the file naming scheme.
Quick Ripping
This function skips the selection of output format, quality, target folder and file naming scheme and uses the most recent settings instead (provided there are any).
Reset CD information
Simply select the data that should be reset and confirm your selection to apply your changes to the project.
First, add the files you wish to organize. Then, specify a naming scheme.Change output folder and file name
By default, any existing files will be overwritten. This makes sense in most cases but you may also have the program use a different output location and/or file name.Modify
Music editor
1: Allows you to save your current settings as a project file or to load an existing project. Important: Project files contain links to the affected audio files. For further processing, these files must reside in the original location specified in the project. You can also insert additional songs into the current project.
2: Use Play/Stop to playback either the selection or the entire file. Playback will always start from the current cursor position. Use the loop button
3: Displays the audio data. Left-drag your mouse cursor create a selection.
4: These functions always apply to the currently selected area: Zoom in/out, Undo/Redo, Copy selection to clipboard, Cut selection, Paste from clipboard.
5: The actual processing features are bundled here:
1: Use an equalizer to adjust frequency ranges.
2: Change Tempo without changing Pitch
3: Change Pitch without Speed
4: Change Speed and Pitch
5: Adjust the volume of the current selection via a slider.
6: Applies a fade-in effect to the current selection. The selection has to be at the start of the track.
7: Applies a fade-out effect to the current selection. The selection has to be at the end of the track.
8: Deletes the selected title.
9: Deletes the selection.
10: Replaces the current selection with silence.
11: Inserts silence at the current marker position.
12: Removes everything around the selection and copies the data to the system clipboard.
13: Appends the clipboard content to the end of the track.
14: Splits the title at the current playback position.
15: Splits the title at the the beginning and end of the current selection.
16: Moves the beginning of the track to the marker position.
17: Moves the end of the track to the marker position.
Context menu
Right-click inside the workspace to bring up a context menu that offers you quick access to editing features that fit your current playback position/selection.
In the following example, a segment of the track will be cut out and inserted at a different position.Once the file has been modified you need to specify the desired output format, followed by the output location.
Change tempo without changing pitch
Use the slider to increase/decrease playback speed for the selected track without changing the pitch. Use the preview feature to check your settings.
Change speed and pitch
Use the slider to adjust both playback speed and pitch. Use the preview feature to check your settings.
Change pitch without speed
Use the slider to adjust the pitch without affecting the speed. Use the preview feature to check your settings.
Looped playback
Click the loop button to create a looped playback section and drag its beginning/end to resize it. Any time the playback marker is inside the section, playback will continue endlessly as long as the audio data stays the same. It makes no difference if you manually placed the marker inside the selection or it entered the section during normal playback. In both cases, playback will be "trapped" inside the loop. To remove the loop, place the mouse pointer near its top and click the "X".
Alternatively, drag within the timeline to instantly create a looped section of the length specified.
Smart repositioning of audio segments
When you drag audio segments to a new position, Ashampoo Music Studio 11 shows you beforehand where the segment will end up once you release the mouse button. If the location you select is invalid, the program will automatically suggest an alternative position.Split audio files
Ashampoo Music Studio 11 helps you split up audio files into smaller segments based on existing pauses, e.g. to turn a lengthy live recording into separate songs.First, select one or multiple files.
You can then either left-click into the track to select a marker and click the scissors to add a cut or use Auto split to let the program do the work.
By default, a split will be inserted every 30 seconds. Click into the text box to set your own value. Toggle "Tolerance" to activate smart splitting. The program will auto-detect possible pauses and insert cuts accordingly. Use the slider to make adjustments. To move an existing cut, drag the scissors icon above the cut mark or click the "X" to delete it.
Afterwards, select the output format and location.
Cut Start & End
1: This is the current playback position. Left-click into the waveform, to alter the position.
2+3: The regions before (2) and after (3) the blue markers will be cut from the audio data.
4: Toolbar
1+2: Places the end/start markers for the regions to be removed at the current playback position.
3: Mutes the regions currently selected for removal in the preview player so that you can check whether they're sized correctly.
4: Zooms into the waveform.
5: Zooms out of the waveform.
6: Zooms out until the entire waveform is visible in the editor.
7: Undoes the last action.
8: Restores the action most recently undone.
Edit file tags
First, add the files to be modified.Then, click the pencil icon behind the desired track to bring up the tag editor and fill in the desired information.
Artwork and images
Left-click a visible image to change it e.g., via cover search.
Use the plus/pencil buttons, to add additional images or modify/remove existing ones. Use the arrow buttons to switch between available images.
Convert audio files
- Add the files.
- Select the output format.
- Specify a file naming scheme.
Analyze files
This function checks the integrity of your audio files based on available metadata and provides on-the-fly editing capabilities to correct any errors.- Add the files.
- Click "Next" to analyze your files.
Results are displayed in the following order: Metadata, file extension, format. Sections that have errors will include an edit button to fix them. Below, results for three audio files that are missing essential metadata information are shown. Notice the "Edit file tags" button that will open the built-in file tag editor to correct the issues.
Normalizing ensures your songs all play at the same volume level.- Add the files.
- Select the output format.
- Specify a file naming scheme.
Equalizer allows you to adjust levels for different frequency ranges from 32 Hz to 16 kHz. Simply drag the sliders to make adjustments and use the player control to preview your changes.
The program comes with various presets that may breathe new life into your songs.
Feel free to experiment with the different settings.
This feature enables you to extract the audio from your videos and store them as audio files on your PC. Once you have selected a video file, its audio will be extracted and opened in the editor.1. Select the video.
2. Edit the audio. The editor is identical to the one used when editing existing audios except that it only supports a single track and that the processing features are limited to three functions.
3. Select the output format.
4. Select the output location.
Through microphone
First, select a recording device. Aftwards, the procedure is identical to "What you hear".What you hear
1: Select playback devices to record here e.g., computer speakers.
2: Recordable apps are listed here. Note that some apps will only be listed after they've played audio at least once.
3: Click the microphone icon to enter recording mode. Then, click the microphone again to start recording.
4: Use these buttons to play back/pause existing/current recordings.
5: These settings apply to all newly created recordings.
6: Finished recordings are listed here.
Click the icons behind a file name to rename the file (1), edit its metadata (2) or delete it (3).
Playlists make it easy to play songs in a pre-defined order. Creating them is a breeze with Ashampoo Music Studio 11.First, add your files. Then, select a target format. We have included the most frequently used formats that cover 99% of all devices. You may have to consult the manual for your device to find out which formats are supported.
Finally, set the putput location.
Mix Tape
Mix Tape allows you to combine any number of songs into a single file. Songs will be combined in the order specified using cross-fading for seamless transitions. You can specify the duration for the fading effect between tracks as well as whether to begin/end the mix with a fade effect via "Extended Settings".DJ Mix Tape additionally allows you to auto-adjust the speed of your tracks to the overall average speed.
The overall procedure is:
- Add files.
- Select output format.
- Select output location.