When creating a backup plan for an image of a partition / hard disk, you can define in the version settings how many backups must be kept at least. For example, if you have defined that 5 backups must be kept at least, the software will start deleting the oldest backups from backup 6, if there is no free space left. It may happen that the value of the minimum backup to be kept is too high. Because of this, Backup will not be able to delete old backups automatically.
However, you can delete older backups manually. In the backup directory on the target storage (usually the "Ashampoo Backups" folder), you will find a subfolder for each plan you created in the program.
Within this plan folder, there are subfolders for each backup run with the corresponding date of the backup run in the name. The folder with the newest date in the name is always your newest full backup. Please never delete this folder.
You can now delete the folders with the oldest date in the name, starting with the oldest.
This is possible because of the "reverse-incremental" backup that we use in the program.
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